Free Conversational English Practice

Previously located at

***Presently on hiatus due to helping my school in Kerala with an English program. Enter your email at the bottom of the page to receive an update when UngaEnglish resumes. No other emails will be sent and email addresses are not shared/sold.

UngaEnglish is a passion project of mine that was born through social media. My friends, especially on Quora and Twitter, were always so open and helpful as I searched for resources to improve my Tamil. But when they asked for similar resources for English, I had no idea where to start.

It was in my web searches that I realized what a huge business had been made of English proficiency. But language is nothing special. It is simply a form of communication, and to make it unobtainable for so many is wrong. That’s when I felt I had to do something.

And that’s when I started this website. Where I could sit down and practice conversational English one-on-one with anyone who wants to improve their speaking, listening, or even reading and writing. I wanted it to be free, to be obtainable, and to be available for anyone.

I’m no English professor or PhD, but I taught English in Kerala and I’ve written a couple of books. You can schedule a time below if you’d like, or message me here if you have any doubts.